Problem Solving Specialist, Equestrian Health, Behavior and Performance Expert. Val works with celebrities and animal lovers around the world who want to improve health and solve behavior/performance issues.


Val Heart is called The Real Dr Doolittle™ and is an expert animal whisperer.  She works with celebrities and other animal lovers who are struggling with their animals in order to improve health, resolve behavior, training and performance problems.
She solves problems in minutes not years because she bridges the gap between you and your animals.
She is also an Equestrian Health, Behavior & Performance Expert, providing proven holistic strategies to increase strength, speed recovery and optimize performance so you and your equine athlete can perform your best… on every ride and in every competition
Her mission is to improve the lives of animals the world over by helping humans learn how to speak their language, understand their viewpoints, and heal. After all, our love of animals helps us learn how to be better humans, and the more balanced and healthy we are, the more balanced and healthy they can be too.
An expert animal communicator and a master healer, author, inspirational speaker, teacher, Val has been seen on TV and heard on radio.
She also teaches people how to communicate with animals themselves so they can save money at the vet, resolve their own behavior, performance and training problems, and learn how to deepen their heart connection with all animals.
You can learn more about Val and her courses, programs, and products at


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